Friday, May 4, 2012

Symbolism- A Rose for Emily

Authors Note: We read the short story called "A Rose for Emily." We thought of it as somethings to pull out some symbolism. Below, you will find pieces of symbolism and what we thought the meaning behind it meant.

A Rose for Emily
By: Becca, Chloe, and Liana

Rose – Love, and that looks can be deceiving.
·         Love – Roses are elegant and pretty and it’s something you get on valentine’s day.
·         Looks can be deceiving – Roses are beautiful but they also have thorns which are painful.
February – Harsh
·         Harsh – Winter can be cold and harsh.
Stairways – Creepy, Falling
·         Creepy – Sometimes when you walk up the stairs they make a creeking noise and it scares Liana.
·         Falling – You never know if you are going to fall up or down the stairs so you never know what’s coming
“Her voice was dry and cold” – Old, Out of Breath, Cold outside, Mean, Worn, Harsh
·         Old – Old ladies have old little squeaking voices
·         Out of Breath – Old ladies have no breath – you can just picture it in your mind.
·         Cold Outside – Sometimes in the winter the air is more dry and it is not humid
·         Mean – Old ladies have really high pitched voices or really low voices like “get over here young lady!”
·         Worn – Because old ladies are old!
·         Harsh – Long pointy nails, and they have harsh voices!
Rat – Sneaky
·         Sneaky – Old Emily is very miscellaneous
Snake – Slither
·         Slither – Emily can easily get out of things – like her taxes
3 gray beards – old men involved, wise
·         Old men – They’re ore wise and they can control things and they have more experience. They have more stories to tell.
·         Wise – Old men are wise and smart.
Midnight – Crimes, Important meetings
·         Crimes - Because no one can see them in the dark and everyone is asleep and it’s dark.
·         Important meetings - You can’t see and nobody knows about it and it’s a time where everyone’s quiet.
Gray – Ancient, Dull, Not Exciting (a.k.a. boring), Depression
·         Ancient – because the story seems like the 70’s and ancient means the 70’s - It’s kinda like slavery time.
·         Dull – All color has been sucked out of it and it’s just not fun to look at
·         Not Exciting – Which is more funner? Pink or gray? Those are your options!
·         Depression – I think depression is upsetting, and gloomy, poopy.

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