Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Semantic Devices!

Authors Note: In class we have been working on semantic devices. Below, you will find some examples of semantic devices. My friends and I have worked together to come up with some examples! Enjoy!

Metaphor- The glowing star in the sky was a flashlight.

Simile- The people in the crowd were as loud as a blow-horn

Personification- The candle flame danced in the dark.

Hyperbole- I was so excited that I jumped  100 feet.

Puns- Becca beamed from ear to ear when doing gymnastics on the beam
Oxymoron- The couple was found alone together.

Irony-  I had such a blast at the mall- who wouldn't want to be robbed?

Alliteration- People at the park, played on the play set.

By: Liana Jackson

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