Authors Note: College is just around the corner, and it really starts to sink in. Being in middle school makes you think twice. College is just around the corner, we have to get used to it.
May 17th, 2012
“Yes dear”
“Guess what I want to be when I grow up?”
“Hmmm, what does my darling want to be when she grows up?”
“No mommy! You have to guess first, then I will tell you.”
“Okay... do you want to be a farmer?”
“No mommy ! You’re silly. I want to be a plastic surgeon.”
“Oh really?”
“Yup, I want to be able to make old people look young again.”
“I see honey, that’s very...... it’s very a different job.”
“I know, I will make you look young again.”
“Haha you are very funny, but let’s just keep being focused on being in 1st grade for now, okay?”
“Okay mommy.”
This is how it goes for most every parent. Your child tells you what they want to be, but then 2 weeks later, it changes again. In a child’s perspective, everything is cool, and interesting. Now, in 7th grade, things change. This is the grade where you pretty sure what you want to be.
As a 7th grader, I know what I want to be. I want to be a neonatologist, these people take care of the babies in the NICU who need help, after birth. This job is means a lot to me, because I want to make sure each child that comes into the world is taken care of properly. Once you are in middle school, things start to take place. You really start thinking that things are sinking in, and you’re almost going to college.
College can be scary. I am not looking for it. Colleges can be huge far away from home, they could be far away, it’s expensive. There are so many things that run around in my tiny little head. I think that the most thing that I can do is think that in the future I can be what ever I want to be, and know that my friends and family will always support me. I am not excited for college, but I know it will help me in my career soon to be!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The True Meaning Of Family!
Authors Note: Family has a important meaning. Family means love. Love is somethings that can be spread easily. I love my family no matter what, even if my sister gets on my nerves. I love my family, including my sister.
May 14th, 2012
The best memories you make can be with your siblings. I have two siblings, Katie-9 and April- 33. I really don’t remember my sister April because she is my 1/2 sister. I barely see her because she lives farther away. On the other hand, my younger sister who is adopted as well, lives with me. Sometimes we get along like cats and dogs. Other times, we get along like ice cream and sprinkles. I guess it just depends on our moods. In the past years we’ve lived with each other, we have had many memories. I have many other memories with friends, but the ones that really have a meaning from the start, stay with you forever. I do have many friend memories though. My sister and I have have very close bond. Even though, I don’t always see in her eyes’ path, we will be sisters no matter what, and I will always love her!
May 14th, 2012
The best memories you make can be with your siblings. I have two siblings, Katie-9 and April- 33. I really don’t remember my sister April because she is my 1/2 sister. I barely see her because she lives farther away. On the other hand, my younger sister who is adopted as well, lives with me. Sometimes we get along like cats and dogs. Other times, we get along like ice cream and sprinkles. I guess it just depends on our moods. In the past years we’ve lived with each other, we have had many memories. I have many other memories with friends, but the ones that really have a meaning from the start, stay with you forever. I do have many friend memories though. My sister and I have have very close bond. Even though, I don’t always see in her eyes’ path, we will be sisters no matter what, and I will always love her!
Friday, May 11, 2012
The Circle of Friendship!
Authors Note: This piece is about how you can have many, many friends and still have a couple close friends. This Friends piece relates to me because in the story, I talk about the people that are close to me. Becca is AMAZING, and Chloe is AWESOME!!
May 10th, 2012
I love all of my friends, but I have some really close friends. Their names are Becca and Chloe. They are so sweet and caring. I have many friends but these ones are the closest to me. If I ever have an issue I can trust them with anything. They keep my secrets and don’t share with anyone. When you say you have a good friend, should have good qualities and support what you do. My friends are as sweet as cotton candy and they continue to be even as life goes on.
In the past few years, I have learned many friendship qualities. Sometimes you may fight with your friends, but that just means you are still in the learning process. Becca and I have had a couple fights or spatz, but life goes on and we get over it. When you have a friend, you may not agree on everything, which is ok. It just means, you are unique and have your own personality. As with Becca and I, we are very close. As close as a woven basket. I basically go over to her house every day and don’t even knock. I just walk right on in. Do I get into trouble? No. I am so close, it doesn’t even matter. Becca is my friend.
I also have another friend. Her name is Chloe. She is another close friend to me as well. I love her, but in a friendly way. In a close friendship way. We hang out once in awhile.I am sure that I would be able to walk right into her house as well, but we don’t live as close. Chloe and Becca are the best friends I could ever ask for!!
May 10th, 2012
I love all of my friends, but I have some really close friends. Their names are Becca and Chloe. They are so sweet and caring. I have many friends but these ones are the closest to me. If I ever have an issue I can trust them with anything. They keep my secrets and don’t share with anyone. When you say you have a good friend, should have good qualities and support what you do. My friends are as sweet as cotton candy and they continue to be even as life goes on.
In the past few years, I have learned many friendship qualities. Sometimes you may fight with your friends, but that just means you are still in the learning process. Becca and I have had a couple fights or spatz, but life goes on and we get over it. When you have a friend, you may not agree on everything, which is ok. It just means, you are unique and have your own personality. As with Becca and I, we are very close. As close as a woven basket. I basically go over to her house every day and don’t even knock. I just walk right on in. Do I get into trouble? No. I am so close, it doesn’t even matter. Becca is my friend.
I also have another friend. Her name is Chloe. She is another close friend to me as well. I love her, but in a friendly way. In a close friendship way. We hang out once in awhile.I am sure that I would be able to walk right into her house as well, but we don’t live as close. Chloe and Becca are the best friends I could ever ask for!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Reading Sensation!
Authors Note: This paragraph shows how sometimes when picking a book, you may want to read until you don't even realize what time it is after you've read the whole book. This is the same was I felt, and I am still reading the book "Perfect" by Natasha Friend. Even know I am still reading it, it is still that good.
Sometimes when you are reading, your body starts to warm up like a blanket. You feel like you want to curl up in a chair in the corner and just read for hours. When choosing a book, you sometimes, don’t know what book to read; that’s when recommendations come into play. The book I am reading now is called “Perfect” by Natasha Friend. This book is very well written and I think that this book teaches a good lesson. This main character is having troubles with her body, and is throwing her food up after she eats a ton. This genre is realistic fiction, and it is kind of girly. I would recommend this author or book to anyone, even though I am not done with it yet. This book is very good and I personally think that it teaches an amazing lesson.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Symbolism- A Rose for Emily
Authors Note: We read the short story called "A Rose for Emily." We thought of it as somethings to pull out some symbolism. Below, you will find pieces of symbolism and what we thought the meaning behind it meant.
A Rose for Emily
By: Becca, Chloe, and Liana
Rose – Love, and that looks can be deceiving.
· Love – Roses are elegant and pretty and it’s something you get on valentine’s day.
· Looks can be deceiving – Roses are beautiful but they also have thorns which are painful.
February – Harsh
· Harsh – Winter can be cold and harsh.
Stairways – Creepy, Falling
· Creepy – Sometimes when you walk up the stairs they make a creeking noise and it scares Liana.
· Falling – You never know if you are going to fall up or down the stairs so you never know what’s coming
“Her voice was dry and cold” – Old, Out of Breath, Cold outside, Mean, Worn, Harsh
· Old – Old ladies have old little squeaking voices
· Out of Breath – Old ladies have no breath – you can just picture it in your mind.
· Cold Outside – Sometimes in the winter the air is more dry and it is not humid
· Mean – Old ladies have really high pitched voices or really low voices like “get over here young lady!”
· Worn – Because old ladies are old!
· Harsh – Long pointy nails, and they have harsh voices!
Rat – Sneaky
· Sneaky – Old Emily is very miscellaneous
Snake – Slither
· Slither – Emily can easily get out of things – like her taxes
3 gray beards – old men involved, wise
· Old men – They’re ore wise and they can control things and they have more experience. They have more stories to tell.
· Wise – Old men are wise and smart.
Midnight – Crimes, Important meetings
· Crimes - Because no one can see them in the dark and everyone is asleep and it’s dark.
· Important meetings - You can’t see and nobody knows about it and it’s a time where everyone’s quiet.
Gray – Ancient, Dull, Not Exciting (a.k.a. boring), Depression
· Ancient – because the story seems like the 70’s and ancient means the 70’s - It’s kinda like slavery time.
· Dull – All color has been sucked out of it and it’s just not fun to look at
· Not Exciting – Which is more funner? Pink or gray? Those are your options!
· Depression – I think depression is upsetting, and gloomy, poopy.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Semantic Devices!
Authors Note: In class we have been working on semantic devices. Below, you will find some examples of semantic devices. My friends and I have worked together to come up with some examples! Enjoy!

Metaphor- The glowing star in the sky was a flashlight.
Simile- The people in the crowd were as loud as a blow-horn
Personification- The candle flame danced in the dark.
Hyperbole- I was so excited that I jumped 100 feet.
Puns- Becca beamed from ear to ear when doing gymnastics on the beam
Oxymoron- The couple was found alone together.
Irony- I had such a blast at the mall- who wouldn't want to be robbed?
Alliteration- People at the park, played on the play set.
By: Liana Jackson
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