Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Is Finally Here

Authors Note: This piece is about how quickly spring can transition from scary to warm and inviting. In class we focus on figurative language, so you should look for some figurative language in this piece. Tone is something I worked hard on so that stanzas flowed effortlessly. Spring is something I look forward to in these coming weeks, so this is what inspired me to write this poem.

As the trees sway rapidly like a dogs’ tail
You can hear the the sky rumbling around like  bowling balls in an alley
The lightning flashed so bright, it was like a beam of light from a flash light  
Wind picks up quickly, and cats get thrown harshly
The nails of the cats are being scraped like nails across a chalk board
“Boom, Bang, Ba-boom” is the sound of flying trash can lids bashing on the ground
The storm would be here in the blink of an eye

Their eyes’ fill with  terror and horror as the dark booming clouds come ahead
Hiding their emotions as their hearts’ beat a millions times per second
But, as the storm passes through, like a knight in shining armour, their terror fades away
Beautiful spring has sprung, with flowers like no other

Flowers pop up everywhere you look
Miles and miles away, you can see color
The ground looks like a watercolor painting sploshed against the grass
Elderly people out for dazzling walks
Birds chirp and sing to the light  wind, that glides across the trees like skates do on ice
The park was an inviting invitation to sit down for a picnic and lay in  the sun

Nothing’s  like the heat of the sun hitting your back
Shorts and tank tops ready to be worn
Warm weather to kick back and relax
People come out of their houses, from being locked up for the winter
Sun goes down and leaves a cool chilly breeze
But we know, that spring is here

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