Longer Stories

Authors Note: Love is one way to describe Melinda. Melinda is a caring person any everyone knows that. She is encountering love at her modeling school and she had no idea how to tell him. Every girl knows and won’t speak up for her, so what will she do? Keep hiding still or make an appearance at the run way to snap his attention towards her?

   “Okay everyone can I have your attention please. In three days, there will be a run way in front of the male models. Please try your hardest because three of them will be judging you to see who goes home next. Keep up your hard work and we will see you on Thursday,” said Mrs.Kigha
“Oh my gosh Tori, what should I do? You know that Hunter will be there. He is one of the best male models around and I couldn’t embarrass myself out there like a complete fool,” said Melinda with a hushed voice, while there was fighting going on in the background.
Tori replied, “Well, you could just drop out. Wait never mind you are one of the best models in the town of Arrow City, and you won’t want that, right?”
“Yeah, I guess. But still, I don’t want him to see me. How should I walk down the runway? Do you think I should be dramatic, or the little shy girl?,” replied Melinda.
“I think that you should just go out there and be yourself. I mean the worst thing that could happen, is that you fall of the runway and fall into mud or something,” said Tori.
“Yeah right, the worst thing is that he would never realize that I like him as much as he thinks I do. It is like what if he likes me and I never knew, but since he was just like me he would never admit that he likes me, because he is too shy. I wouldn't just walk up to him and be like, I like you because that would be too weird. That is his job to do,” Argued Melinda,
“I guess you are right in a way,” agreed Tori, “But still, I think you should just get all dolled up and be yourself. You are so nice and loving, NOTHING is going to go wrong!”


Tori starts talking, “Ok, I planned it all out. Since I broke my arm and wrist yesterday, and I don’t have to be in the show, I automatically get immunity, I have come up with a plan. You will wear your hair down in perfect curls, and have added hair crystals. In addition to that, you will wear your black stunning stilettos, with sparkles on them, and you will wear your black strapless dress with russhing and draping in the mid-body section. Oh and don’t forget your dangle earrings, and your diamond bracelet, along with your 4 carat diamond necklace. Now for the makeup, I will apply a natural smoky eye shadow that you can see shimmer in the light, and add a nice shade of a tinted pink lip gloss. Now how does that sound?”
“Wow! That sounds amazing; how you did you figure all of this in one day? I mean Mrs. Kigha only gave us two hours of break from modeling.” questioned Melinda.
Tori replied, “It just takes time and effort. Now let me go get all of this gathered together in your suitcases to take with us. Don’t be worried, I will have it all ready for you in the morning. Now go get some sleep, young lady.”


Ladies, ladies, let’s get gathered over here so that we get on the bus soon, when you hear your name called say here. Melinda?,” said Mrs. Kigha.
‘Sarah C.?’
  As Mrs.Kigha went on, they started boarding the bus one by one.


“Oh  my  gosh,” said Melinda with her jaw dropped open.
“What? Too much for you to handle,” answered Tori.
“Look at the runway. Now it is going to be sure that I fall off, it was exactly like you had mentioned before. There is mud surrounding the runway and the runway is only about a foot wide.” Said Melinda.
“Well, let’s just hope no one gets hurt,” replied Tori.
“Come girls, come. Let’s gather over here and stand in a horse shoe formation please. As you can see there is the runway, so go get ready A.S.A.P and wow the judges. Oh by the way the judges are Hunter, Joe, and T.J.” Mrs.Kigha dragged on, and on.
“Ok, let’s be the first to go to hair and makeup, so we get the stylists when they are fully charged and ready to listen to what I have to say,” Tori said almost out of breath.
  All done and ready, Melinda come out of hair and makeup and went straight over to the dressing rooms to put everything else together. Out of every one there, she was the prettiest there. As her turn approached to go out onto the runway, she started to get butterflies. Then her name was called and there was no turning back. She got out there, and fell of coarse right as she went to turn back around to go back to the back stage. Everyone was dead silent, but then all of a sudden Hunter ran out of his seat and went to see if she was ok. “Are you okay Melinda?”
“Yeah except I am all muddy, but that doesn’t matter,” commented Melinda
“Well, I wasn’t going to tell you this until the end of the show but I really like you,” he said softly so no one else heard.
“Really, you do?” She replied
“Yes.” He said back.
   Once she was all cleaned up, Hunter approached her and asked her to be his girlfriend. From that day on she decided just to be herself and not someone that she knew she wasn’t.