Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Words Can Backfire

Authors Note: This piece that I chose to write is an ABC poem. I decided to focus on writing a poem of my choice because I wanted to complete one of my goals. One of my favorite reality TV shows is The Bachelor. I really enjoy this show, because I enjoy to see who wins. In particular, there is this one girl who was recently sent home due to rude behavior and she was really evil. She didn't get along with any of the girls in the house and created lots of drama. This poem reflects what I thought of her and what I thought of the show so far. This is my creative piece!

Words Can Backfire!

A lthough love usually at first sight
B arriers are put up to protect yourself
C ontinued throughout a relationship
D on’t let your gaurd create a different person
E ven at times when you are shy
F aking a different side, is not okay
G uys surrounding you is an awesome feeling
H ello?!? you should only have feelings for that one and only special person
I solating yourself is not that fair
J ealousy is creating drama for yourself
K now-it-alls are not fun to be with,
L oosen up girl, you're not the only one here
M any people have the same feelings as you do
N o one cares how you feel
O pen your eyes to see reality
P eople also take in what’s surrounding them- not like you do
Q uit creating a character when you are around him, you are most definitely not
R ude is one word for you, but quite frankly, ridiculous is too!
S ent home is what’s around the corner for you!
T rouble is the only problem you create
U mbrellas, aren’t going to cover it for you either
V iolins can play sad music, but none of the other girls care
W aiting on you hand-and-foot, is not someone he wants in a wife
X rays can come all you want- stop getting hurt on purpose, because it’s becoming a show
Y elling at girls can create Sean to question you
Z one yourself in now, because you're being sent home!