Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Secret Life of Bees

Authors Note:This is about how movies can differentuate from the books when they are produced. Sometimes books are better than the movies and sometimes movies are better than the books. For the book " The Secret Life of Bees", I sure hope that they are both as good as they sound and how I picture them in my head.

In my book club that I started we read the book “The Secret Life of Bees.” I really liked this book because apparently it has a movie to go with it. I do not know if I am going to like the movie but I sure hope I do because I really like to watch movies, especially if I have already read the book. If I watch the movie soon, I’d definitely compare things and decide which story presents I like better. I will definitely try to get my book club group together to see the movie as a wholesome.


When I watch the movie "The Ssecret Life of Bees" I hope I feel the same as I do when I read the book. Looking at this picture above, I feel like I could say who is who even though I do not know.I really hope the movie is as good as the book.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Authors Note: Do you have a favorite song. Well these paragraphs will warm your heart into this song because this tells about the song "Replay." "Replay" is a really high-quality song because of the lyrics and the way it flows. If you are in the "Replay" mood then you should read this book.

One of my favorite songs is “Replay” by IYAZ.  I really like this song because it has a really good beat to it and it has a good melody to it. This song has a lot of meaning to me and I wish that I would have come up with this song. Many people tell me that this is such an old song but I think that the old is the new. This song is one of the best songs in the world.

Replay, the song is the best song in the world because the meaning to it has a good reflection in my life. The lyrics may be not meaningful to people but it has meaning to me. If I could meet this artist I would because then I could personally ask him questions about how and why he came up with this song. This song is also really high-quality because of the way the music flows.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Break

Authors Note : This essay is about how gathering with family at Christmas is one of the most fun things to do over the break from school over the winter season.

Winter break is so much fun. Even know school is one of my favorite things to occupy me, breaks are fun too. The thing I love best about winter break is the time I get to spend with my family. Christmas is the best holiday over winter break because you get to spend time with family.

I really enjoy the Christmas break because my Aunt Cindy comes every year to celebrate the New Year. Every time she comes up we usually do something fun with her. Last year we went to the Harlem Globe Trotters. Aunt Cindy is such a fun Aunt. She gives love and care to everyone of us, even know she knows we don’t like veggies. My Aunt Cindy is a vegetarian and she hates meat. So every time she comes we all hide our meat so she won’t throw away. Even though she hates meat we all still love her. Cindy makes every Christmas break a joy and a gift because each and every year we know that she is on her way.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chirstmas time in Winter!

Authors Note: This poem is about about the winter brings in the Chistmas spirt. Many people celebrate this to celebrate Jesus's birth.

Christmas is a time for giving
Hats are warm and cozy, in the winter’s cool, crisp air
Reindeers fly through the air
Individuals receive presents from family and friends
Santa comes down through the chimney
Toys and candy come from Santa
Mistletoe hangs from the ceiling, while underneath there’s kissing
All the kids sit inside while drinking their hot coco
Snowflakes fall as snow banks grow

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bubbles can make a Child's Day

Authors Note: This poem is about how kids of all ages love to play with bubbles. It also shares how sometimes the smallest joy in life with all get attention.
Up so high you cannot reach
Sometimes they may look like an upside down peach
Down below hands wave high
Then they realize they must just let it fly
In the air so graceful and free
People just realize want they want to be
Little kids run around
Screaming I want to be big and round
Then parents grab their little ones and say, were almost done
All the kids gather one by one
After that, it’s time for dinner, they all go in, not one comes out
Then at once you hear one pop
Then all the kids come running out

Monday, December 5, 2011

The pirate named Jacob

Authors Note: This story is about a family owned pirate resturaunt and thier favorite meal is the spaghetti with meatballs. They one key ingerdient in every meal and they always put it to work to make evrything special. This is how a pirate resturaunt works.

Once upon a time there was a little pirate named Jacob. Jacob loved to help his dad cook.  His dad is named Mike, after he cooked he always ran a marathon. This pirate family was quite interesting though. This wasn’t a real pirate family; they were cooks who owned a pirate ship which had a nice family restaurant on it. Once of Jacob’s favorite dishes was the spaghetti with meatballs. Every time they made this dish he loved to help put love and care into this because they didn’t want their dishes especially spaghetti have a bitter taste. Their key ingredient in every dish, which is a big secret to them is put love in every dish. To make their family owned pirate ship to eat on more realistic they dressed up like real pirates except they didn’t be mean. Jacob always wore a red bandana, leggings, a white blouse, a hook, a peg leg, pirate hat, fake beard, and long underwear of course. Now a day’s their dream came true to make this really happen in real life. So if you like the way this is headed you should come to San Francisco to try the spaghetti and meatball dish.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Authors Note: this essay is mostly about how Lauire Halse can really write a good book. She takes a topic and makes it seem so easy. Her books teach lessons and you will see that if you read this essay. Life is a lesson and so is this book.
Sometimes when I read a book I feel surprised. The book “Speak” is definitely a book that you’d be surprised at. Laurie Halse definitely hits the spot. She makes the book fell like you don’t know what going to happen. Books like this are the best you can find, and Laurie Halse can make that happen.

I really like the way Laurie Halse writes her  books. Something that I really enjoy are the topics that she chooses to write about. In the book “ Speak” it really touches your heart on how such a bad thing can really make you think,  “ Wow that is really sad that that is the way bullies choose to live.” Most of the time Laurie’s books make you think and then realize that is life is the best classroom to learn a lesson. It is true that her books have a purpose and reason to read.

One way to learn a lesson is the experience of life. Life is probably the biggest classrooms to learn from. There are many good and bad examples, and that is how we learn. In Laurie’s books her setting takes place in a lot of areas of a persons common daily life, which all takes place in life. “Speak” is a good way of learning another life lesson. Laurie uses good and bad situations and how to put them in a way to learn so I know that bullying is a very good example of a bad situation. As the reader, she couldn’t have picked a better example to write about.

Laurie Halse is an excellent writer. I think that i wouldn’t change anything about her book because I can tell she put a lot of energy and thought into this book. Many people could probably go on an on but there is really nothing to change. The topic is really a good life lesson, the writing technique it spot on and the characters has character to it. If I had to absolutely change one thing, that would be that I would have read it sooner because it was that excellent.

The books Laurie writes can be exciting, she takes a simple life lesson or topic and make it as surprising as it can be. Harassment can be tough, but getting through this book won’t be.
“ Speak “ is a book where, you will definitely realize life is one big lesson, and Laurie teaches it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Bravest Are Out There Making A Difference

Authors Note: This essay is sure to touch your heart. There are many soldiers fighting for freedom which we all give thanks for. That is why I am proud of my country.
The bravest soldiers are out there, fighting for me to make my country free. They roam the open battle fields risking their life. I am so happy to be in a free country. We have the most reliable soldiers in the world; they should come home and feel proud of our country just like me.

There are many people out there in open battle fields risking their lives to have a free country. Many other countries don’t have a free country and they aren’t happy that we have one so they cause fights by war. I know that some people want to be a soldier and some don’t. Most of the soldiers out there are ones that are deployed. In fact the only reason that we have a free country is because of the loved ones who fight. They are strong and they should feel proud knowing that everyone is proud too.

Many of the out soldiers are there because they are deployed. I don’t think many would want to be deployed from their families and loved ones. Yet again though, they are helping in every way they can for a free country for their family which makes them want to be there fighting. Knowing that they might lose their life is a big risk taking experience, so when they get the chance to go home and relax with their family, is probably the most comforting feeling they get.

When a soldier comes home from a war, it is the best feeling they feel. They think, a break from my job, I can finally relax. As they start to settle in with their family for maybe a week they don’t have to wear a uniform and have to say “Yes sir!” So, now when I am sitting or laying in my bed and there are soldiers out there, I am always going to be thankful that I am not out there, and you should know that what you want is what they want. They are the ones we depend on.

The soldiers that we have fighting for freedom are the ones we rely on. We shouldn't be taking everything for granted and know that there are people out there who care for us. People are the ones that give the soldiers the encouragement. That is why I am proud of my country.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Beautiful Butterflies!

Author's Note- This essay is about how butterflies show their personality. I personally think that butterflies have a meaning to be recognized so, i wrote about how a butterfly has spirit!

The most beautiful butterflies are grazing over the flowers, collecting the pollen from the plants. All you see is beautiful colors flapping through the garden, as graceful as a fall wind gushing through the air. Butterflies are truly the most beautiful insect in the world.

Butterflies are graceful and delicate. They soar over the open skies and land upon from flower to flower. Their wings are so delicate that if your touch is too much pressure, their wings will rip. When you look really close you probably really want to touch it but don’t, they are so graceful you don’t want to interrupt them while landing. Something fun to do though is track them. When tracking them you will end up putting a sticker on their wings. What’s really astounding though is that if you look really closely you can see the butterfly’s vibrant colors and beautiful patterns on their wings.

 Something that adds a beautiful touch to their wings, are their beautiful vibrant colors and patterns. Colors and shapes are the illusions you see. One of the most common butterflies you see is the monarch butterfly. The pops of colors on their wings are orange and a blackish-brownish. Many people find these ones and love to watch them in their habitat, which in fact could be your backyard.

 A butterfly’s habitat is one of the most important things for a butterfly to live. In fact, it could be in your backyard. Butterflies are attracted to honey suckle and much more. Something that they might attract them if you are interested in looking at one is sugar water. One day if you put that out, you may even come across a humming bird. Any ways, do you think you would be able to live without a home or even earth? No, you most likely wouldn’t be able to because that is our habitat. Without having it we wouldn’t be us. That is why the butterfly’s habitat is very important. Something you may consider, is just sitting outside and feel like being a butterfly. Just think like a butterfly and you will become one. In a butterfly’s habitat you will always usually seek that there is warm weather, lots of flowers, and a roam of free air. Weather for the wings protection, and the bodies’, flowers for food, and air they fly in. This is why a butterfly’s habitat is important.

Out of all the insects in the world, the butterfly is the most beautiful out of all of them. The butterfly is the most amazing creature out there. You never know, a butterfly may land on you and you will be able to embrace the feeling of a butterfly!