Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Break

Authors Note : This essay is about how gathering with family at Christmas is one of the most fun things to do over the break from school over the winter season.

Winter break is so much fun. Even know school is one of my favorite things to occupy me, breaks are fun too. The thing I love best about winter break is the time I get to spend with my family. Christmas is the best holiday over winter break because you get to spend time with family.

I really enjoy the Christmas break because my Aunt Cindy comes every year to celebrate the New Year. Every time she comes up we usually do something fun with her. Last year we went to the Harlem Globe Trotters. Aunt Cindy is such a fun Aunt. She gives love and care to everyone of us, even know she knows we don’t like veggies. My Aunt Cindy is a vegetarian and she hates meat. So every time she comes we all hide our meat so she won’t throw away. Even though she hates meat we all still love her. Cindy makes every Christmas break a joy and a gift because each and every year we know that she is on her way.

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