Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Bravest Are Out There Making A Difference

Authors Note: This essay is sure to touch your heart. There are many soldiers fighting for freedom which we all give thanks for. That is why I am proud of my country.
The bravest soldiers are out there, fighting for me to make my country free. They roam the open battle fields risking their life. I am so happy to be in a free country. We have the most reliable soldiers in the world; they should come home and feel proud of our country just like me.

There are many people out there in open battle fields risking their lives to have a free country. Many other countries don’t have a free country and they aren’t happy that we have one so they cause fights by war. I know that some people want to be a soldier and some don’t. Most of the soldiers out there are ones that are deployed. In fact the only reason that we have a free country is because of the loved ones who fight. They are strong and they should feel proud knowing that everyone is proud too.

Many of the out soldiers are there because they are deployed. I don’t think many would want to be deployed from their families and loved ones. Yet again though, they are helping in every way they can for a free country for their family which makes them want to be there fighting. Knowing that they might lose their life is a big risk taking experience, so when they get the chance to go home and relax with their family, is probably the most comforting feeling they get.

When a soldier comes home from a war, it is the best feeling they feel. They think, a break from my job, I can finally relax. As they start to settle in with their family for maybe a week they don’t have to wear a uniform and have to say “Yes sir!” So, now when I am sitting or laying in my bed and there are soldiers out there, I am always going to be thankful that I am not out there, and you should know that what you want is what they want. They are the ones we depend on.

The soldiers that we have fighting for freedom are the ones we rely on. We shouldn't be taking everything for granted and know that there are people out there who care for us. People are the ones that give the soldiers the encouragement. That is why I am proud of my country.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your essay. You had really strong voice.
