Monday, October 8, 2012


Authors Note: I wrote this essay on the main conflict in the book Perfect. I explain how the conflict was resolve in the book, as well as connecting to a person I hold dear to my heart!

In the book Perfect, there are countless conflicts. The main conflict in this book, is how Isabelle can't bear to realize that her father is gone, she has a hard time, and changes her eating habits dramatically. The main conflict in this novel is person vs. self, although at the ends, Isabelle is able to move on over her loss, and is able to overcome her bulimia.

In the beginning of the book, it is very easy to pick out that she was very close to her father. Isabelle looked up to her father in every possible way, as a role model.  When her father passed, Isabelle just couldn’t help but eat mounds of junk food, and drink tons of soda and juice. She then realizes that she thinks she's eaten so much, that she takes in another way of comforting herself, but still being skinny. She continues this, until her sister catches her throwing up in the bathroom. Her mother puts her in a group of kids with the same issue, with a therapy teacher guiding her through this rough time.

The conflict was finally resolved in the book when figuring out that a popular girl at her school has the same disease as her. She became close friends, with someone she never thought she would even talk to.  They talked to each other to help one another get through their rough times, and even though, "the popular" didn't over come her disease as easily, Isabelle knew she had to one way or another. Every time she ate dinner, she told herself not to make herself purposely puke. She told herself no, no matter how much she wanted to, and in the end, she over came her disease.

The main conflict is a lot like Jimmy is to my family, because he is becoming very ill, and may become even more sick, and everyone in my family is trying to help him. Even though Jimmy is not doing so well, I know he is teaching my family, by showing us that everyone can't help him in every single way, and he can over come his battle on his own. Jimmy is a role model to everyone in my family and will be forever!

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