Authors Note: Birthdays are always exciting! You get to spend time with family, open presents, and eat good food. With all this going around in my head- my birthday is coming up, a poem is a good way to express how I feel.
Singing, laughing, and dancing around
Everybody’s jumping up and down
Sitting down and eating food
This is the day we’re in a good mood
After food, comes the cake
This is the one that my mother baked
Frosting and ice cream can make a mess
Now it’s time for presents, I guess
All the presents wrapped up so neat
I wish I could un-wrap those in a heart beat
After I wished with all my might
I found out that I got a kite
But now it is time for the sun to go down
Now I’m going to dream about clowns
I loved that! Your poem is so cute. It reminds me of my past birthdays. Your voice comes through in this piece, it really shows how you feel about birthdays. This is a poem that can make anyone's day! Nice job! :)