Authors Note: In class we read the story "Thank You Ma'am." We then were told to write an alternate ending to the story. This is my take on how I think the story should end. Look for sympathy from Roger to Mrs. Jones.
He barely managed to say “Thank you” before she shut the door. Walking down to steps from her stoop, he thought, “Man, I could do a lot with this money.” He continued to walk down the steps and kept walking until he hit the stop sign at the end of the block.
Knowing that he had no one to go home to, he went to the nearest gas station so go find a cardboard box in the dumpster behind the building. Roger knows lots of tricks and tips, in order to manage himself. Digging through the garbage, he found a large refrigerator box, some year old candy, and a old paper bag with some old outfits in it. He took the stuff and went to the nearest park. Since Roger felt kind of bad, he hoped not to run into Mrs. Jones at the park, since that would be kind of awkward. Later that day, when he finally reached the park, he parked him and his stuff near a big oak tree. Roger sat in the box, and laid down to sleep. He put the money in the bad with the old clothes, and dreamt about how he should be more thankful.
The next morning when Roger woke up he started to talk to himself, “I feel so bad. I knew I should’ve been more kind. I will feel sorry until I die.” He kept babbling to himself. Roger felt so upset and miserable, that he vowed to himself, that he would take the money back to Mrs. Jones and return it. And with that said, he surely did.
I love your unique take on this! Your voice and transitions are outstanding! Nice job :)